Create Your Own Interactive Sales Video
(Like the One on My Homepage)


Go live in under 5 minutes! Grab my free guide and high-converting scripts to sell authentically and effectively. Let’s get you selling like a pro while keeping it real.

You'll also receive occasional behind-the-scenes updates I don't share anywhere else. Don't want them? Unsubscribe in a click.

Razzle, Dazzle, and Convert

Ready to take your sales game to the next level and stand out from the crowd? Embrace authenticity in your business and break free from the algorithms and automations. Get your hands on Your VideoAsk Implementation Plan for F-R-E-E!

Step-by-Step Guide

A comprehensive guide to creating engaging sales videos that capture attention and drive results

High-Converting Scripts

Ready-to-use scripts that keep it real and effective, helping you connect authentically with your audience

Real, Live Examples

Real examples of my highest converting videos, giving you a clear blueprint of what works

Quick Start Tips and Hacks

Tips to go live in under 5 minutes, ensuring you can implement quickly and start seeing results fast

Supercharge Your Relationships and Revenues

Interactive videos aren’t just a nice-to-have; they’re an absolute game-changer. They grab attention like your favorite binge-worthy show, build trust faster than a heartfelt rom-com, and close deals quicker than you can say "sold!" By sprinkling some video magic into your sales process, you’ll create a more engaging and personal experience for your prospects. This isn’t just about keeping up with the Joneses; it’s about being the Joneses and setting the standard in your industry.

You deserve the revenue results you’ve been dreaming of. Adding these shiny new strategies into your sales process will not only keep you ahead of the competition but will also help you forge genuine connections with your prospects. This isn’t just about staying in the game; it’s about being the MVP. You’ve got the passion and the drive—now let’s equip you with the tools to match.

Did you know that 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video (Forbes)?

Or that sales teams using video see a 49% faster revenue growth (Aberdeen Group)

Adding a video to your outreach can boost reply rates by up to 8 times and click-through rates by 4 times (Vidyard)

A Note From Luis

Alright, let’s keep it real…

Stepping in front of a camera used to make me break out in a sweat. But overcoming my shyness and embracing video was the game-changer that took my career and business to the next level. I've danced with the giants like LinkedIn, Google, Uber, and Tesla, racking up over $600 Million in revenue impact. But it wasn't all confetti and champagne—there were doubts, second-guessing, and plenty of awkward takes.

Getting comfortable on camera and trying something new transformed my sales process. And that’s where Your VideoAsk Implementation Plan comes in. This plan is designed to help you harness the power of video, just like I did.

Without the right playbook, it’s like trying to dance salsa without the right shoes. But here’s the deal: I’ve got that playbook. This plan is your fast-track ticket to boosting your sales, building genuine connections, and making the revenue you’ve always dreamed of.

Step into your spotlight with confidence. Let’s map out your mega moves and turn that potential into power. You in?


Create Your Own Interactive Sales Video
(Like the One on My Homepage)

You'll also receive occasional behind-the-scenes updates I don't share anywhere else. Don't want them? Unsubscribe in a click.